Message from the CEO...
The principals of Indigena have specialized in partnering exclusively with Tribal Nations in the United States and First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada for over three decades. This unique and advantaged investment space offers a world-class portfolio of opportunities that stem from the Treaty, Traditional Territory and Reserve or Reservation rights of Indigenous Nations. This emerging market, however, has been overlooked for decades as capital providers are often deterred by the antiquated regulations and special jurisdictions that the Federal Government put in place a century ago. Consequently, this creates an inequity – Indigenous Nations not fully realizing the benefits of their resources and rights. Indigena brings the capital, experience, and expertise to assist Nations in remedying this inequity and provides a platform through which the financial community can engage.
In response to Nations’ requests to help build their economies, we have partnered in over 70 transactions, and invested and sourced over $2.5 billion in direct and joint venture capital. Through disciplined capital allocation, the return expectations of investors can be met while creating the foundation for self-sustaining economies for Nations. These projects have generated a measurable, beneficial social and environmental impact alongside the financial returns.
Investment Sectors:
Real Estate
Renewable Power
Energy & Mining